Saturday, October 6, 2007

October is Breast Health Month

October is Breast Health Month!
Have you had your mammogram this year? If not, it’s that time to practice smart breast health. Don’t forget your yearly exam and routine self examinations. A little time taken each month can possibly save you from cuts and chemo!
For you ladies who might be out on the East End of Long Island, here are some wonderful events that I am sure some of you or your friends and loved ones would be excited about attending. Here we go!
Free Makeovers From Saks Fifth Avenue For Breast Cancer Survivors
In participation with the South Fork Breast Health Coalition, Saks Fifth Avenue is offering FREE MAKEOVERS to all women who have battled breast cancer.
Location: Saks Hampton Rd, Southampton
When: October 18th to 21st
Please call to make an appointment 631-283-3500
Think Pink Education Program For Mothers and Daughters At Saks
When: October 19th 5pm-7pm
Pink refreshments, learn how to do proper self breast exams by Southampton Hospital’s Breast Health Center’s nurses and advocates, pink breast health information, pink giveaways, and FREE MAKEOVERS (pink lipstick not required!)
Call to register 631-283-3500
For more info, call 631-726-8606
And…don’t forget the 3rd Annual Birdhouse Auction 2007!
Honorary Chair - Renee Zellweger
When: Saturday, October 13th 5:30pm-8pm
Where: Southampton Cultural Center, Southampton
For more information, log onto

Golden Pear in Southampton, East Hampton, Sag Harbor and Bridge Hampton is selling Pink Ribbon Bagels. 100% goes to the Breast Health Coalition. Please stop by and buy one, two, or three!
Enjoy this month of pink and remember…..breast cancer does not discriminate age, sex (yes, men can also get breast cancer!), social stature or ethnicity. Let’s all chip in our time, talent and extra coffee money to help find a cure!!!
Yours in good health!

Kelley Mondesire, MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012

Monday, August 6, 2007

I Finished the NYC Half Marathon

Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012
Sunday, August 5th was the second annual NYC Half Marathon. This was the second time I was to run this race. It isn’t a really difficult run: a loop around Central Park, down 7th Ave into Times Square where there’s a right onto 42nd Street, then a straight run west to the Hudson River and then the straightaway down to Battery Park where the 13 mile adventure ends.
The difference this year was that I hadn’t been able to run for months while recuperating from an injury that needed patience and time to heal. The Thursday prior to the event, I hopped onto a treadmill and ran 5 miles while holding onto the arms of the machine so I shouldn’t aggravate my arm, which one of the culprits putting the stops to my winter/spring training. I figured if my knee felt o.k. (the other culprit) after 5 miles, I could run 13 on Sunday.
I arrived at the site on Sunday morning, wondering why I had gotten out of bed at 4:30am to attempt a run I really didn’t think I could complete in my heart-of-hearts. Based on my former race times, I was placed into the 7:37 minute per mile corral and thought….are they nuts? I figured I was going to be plowed down during the first few minutes of the run. Besides, everyone in this particular corral really looked like a runner, which I have never claimed to be. I don’t even like to run - I just participate in the activity to give me the cardio to do the sports I really enjoy….oh boy! I felt like Godzilla sitting next to all these gazelle-like males and females in their team jerseys.
So, as I sat on a bench waiting for the announcement to get ready, I had to think about who I was going to be - if not a runner for the day. I decided, after much preponderance that I was going to be “I’ll Try”. Nothing more, nothing less.
The horn went off and so did we. At mile 3, it was time for the portosan, where I was surprised to see many runners stopping for a short break, already disappointed with their time. I was just happy I could still run. I decided that I could make it around the park (10K) and then see how I felt at that time. There is a shuttle for runners who cannot continue that will take them to the finish. As I ran around the park, I was convinced that one of those seats had my name on it…that was my mantra. But then, I began to think of all the friends and acquaintances who had wished me luck and were sending their thoughts my way at the moment, and I thought…”I can do this, I’ve already done it, so let’s just try”. I had to walk halfway up the big hill on the north end of the park - hills were making my knee hurt, so I gave it a break. When we passed the 10K mark and worked our way out of Central Park, I stopped at the medical tent for a 2 minute ice break and a cold bottle of water. And, I said “I’ll try”. Off we went down 7th Avenue where the crowds just cheered us on by numbers. This was fun because last year it rained and not many spectators showed up for the event. Across 42nd Street, I stopped twice to put the cold bottle over my knee and throw some water over my head. There’s a really big difference in your endurance running long distance if you haven’t run at all for a while! Going down the West Side Highway, I slowed down a bit more and began to walk a bit, run, walk a bit, run. At the 11th mile, I was running next to a young woman by the name of Elizabeth who asked me if I was o.k. I told her I was running out of juice due to my knee and she asked me to encourage her to continue, and run with her so she could stay in the race and finish strong…go figure! We encouraged one another and for the remainder of the race, we held hands as we ran, at a pretty quick speed across the finish line. We had our phot taken together and gave each other a hug. I’ll probably never see Elizabeth again, but if I did, I would thank her for getting me over that finish line.
I feel pretty good today; I’ve been practicing my own medicine on myself.
I finished with the worst time I’ve ever done, but I don’t care. I tried to run 3 miles and I ended up finishing a 13 mile run, when most other people wouldn’t have gotten out of bed for a race they hadn’t trained for. And I tried a little harder because of the friends and acquaintances who telephoned or emailed me to wish me luck and reminded me that it was o.k. if I didn’t do my best time and just finished. I thought of all of them while I was thinking of quitting and every time I had to stop and walk a little. That’s when I said “I can do this, I’ve done this before, so let’s just try”.
I have to say that my arm hasn’t felt this good in months and I’m going to give my weak knee a well-deserved rest today. But tomorrow, I’ll begin training for a few triathlons coming up in the next two months. Hell…if I can run 13 miles, I can run those stupid 6 miles during the triathlons. In any case, I’ll just try….

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mother's Day Gift of Health

Wish Your Mom a Happy Mother’s Day
& Remind Her to Schedule a MAMMOGRAM
(Because You Love Her)
This is my mother, Margaret, who is a published and exhibiting artist for Chinese water color painting.

As many of you know, I have recently joined the South Fork Breast Health Coalition (SFBHC), a truly wonderful organization run by women who volunteer their time and talents unconditionally to help other women.

If you are out on the East End this Mother's Day Weekend, why not shop til you drop for yourself, and all the other ladies in your life and while you're at out your fellow sisters!

Here are some great deals you don't want to miss!

FREE makeovers at theory mothers day weekend for breast cancer survivors. Just call Theory in Southampton 287.5121. You can go to Theory in Southampton or East Hampton

Celebrate Mother’s Day with Theory & Chanel in support of South Fork Breast Health Coalition.
Theory invites you to shop the Summer Collection with Chanel’s own, Evangeline Wilson.
Saturday, May 12th , from 10-6p
Sunday, May 13th, from 12-5p

Coordinate your Summer wardrobe with the hottest new Summer color palette from Chanel.
Enjoy 10% off your Theory purchase.
10% of Theory proceeds will be donated to SFBHC.

Light refreshments and champagne will be served.
RSVP AT (631) 287-5121
Theory Southampton 60 Jobs Lane Southampton
Theory East Hampton 46 Newtown Lane East Hampton

After you've had some champagne and enjoyed some great deals, sit yourselves down for a wonderful meal at The Southampton Publick House, which will also donate 10% of all proceeds to the SFBHC!
Hosting Brunch and Dinner
Sunday May 13 Prix fixe $25 per person
Regular Brunch 12noon to 3pm
Dinner from 3:30pm to 8pm
reservations suggested.
The East End's first microbrewery restaurant offering Long Island's finest casual dining and handcrafted microbrewed ales and lagers.
A Microbrewery Restaurant
40 Bowden Square Southampton, NY 11968
Tel: 631.283.2800
And Gentlemen.....what a great way to make peace in the household, drop the girls off at Theory and go have a nice pint at the brewery! They'll love you for your participation and it'll get you big points!!!

Have a wonderful Mother's Day, and remember your mother. Give her a call, go visit, or if she's no longer here, remember in your own way!

Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012
Hamptons Housecalls - your personal healthcare provider to your home on the South Fork of Long Island!

Monday, April 2, 2007


It's Spring! WHOOPPEEE!
It's time to take out and shake out those sleeveless shirts and skimpy skirts and enjoy the warmer weather and the fun that goes with it!
What is Spring, Anyhow?
I recently had a conversation with my friend, Mr. Easter Bunny (who graciously posed for this photo), while he was receiving some auricular acupuncture for ear pain. Bunny states that Springtime is the best time for rebirth, rejuvenation, fertility, and fun. Spring is the time when we change the clocks ahead, 'Spring Clean', change the colors of our lipsticks to pinks, purchase new ties for suits, and new tubes for bikes.
Springtime is Bunny's busiest - delivering eggs and reminding all of us of the freshness and newness of all that is in our environment.
So, spruce yourself up this Spring - buy a new bonnet, a new pair of running shoes - whatever it is that gives you a 'lift'. And while you're at it....why not make an appointment to spruce up your mind and body with an acupuncture session?? You'll feel great and thank yourself for all the great benefits that go with a good acupuncture treatment!
And here's the big news!!! I'm in for a change as well!
This Spring, be on the lookout for the newly-redesigned website! It's time for a change and this season, the website will focus on PAIN! Orthopedic pain, PMS, testicular pain, headaches, IBS....everything you ever wanted to know about how to STOP FEELING PAIN!
There will also be a new page on Active Release Techniques (ART) and case studies of how the unique combination of TCM and ART can greatly reduce pain. Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine is highly effective in treating all types of pain? Learn how auricular self treatments can greatly reduce chronic pain.
So...have a great Spring, don't eat too many chocolate eggs and don't pull the Bunny's ears - he doesn't like it!
See you all soon!

Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012

Friday, March 2, 2007

Hey! What does this guy eat for breakfast??!!!!
Must be doing something right if he's holding up the world!
Not everyone can be an 'Atlas', but all of us can certainly try to be the best we can - no matter what it is in life we're after...

March Madness is here...that means we all start thinking about where we're going for holiday this summer and start checking out the summer fashions that go with the sun and fun. If you've been a good boy or girl, your swimsuits and skimpy shorts fit just fine. If not....well, now is the time to do something about it!

So....It's March Madness....LET"S GO CRAZY!!!!!!


Why not train for a triathlon??? The cross-training benefits of these three above-mentioned activities are amazing not only for your body, but also for your mind.
Endurance sports training requires self discipline, focus, dedication and determination to achieve your "personal best".

Training for a triathlon requires maintaining a training schedule, proper nutrition and develops every single muscle group in the body. For some, it means learning how to ride a bicycle, for others, it means learning how to float and swim, or proper cadence and stride while running.

Training for a triathlon is a WIN-WIN story, folks! During the early morning hours of race day, when you prepare for the event, you'll meet so many other athletes from all walks of life and age groups - some physically challenged; all there to participate in a very large group event, but there to do their own personal best.

Life's short and you're all you've got!
Be good to yourself while you're spending time here on the planet! Cross train for a triathlon - you'll never feel better!

AND....if you really want to accomplish something special, why not raise some money for a good cause while you're out there?? Team In Training (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) will train you to swim, bike, run, get you to the event, provide airfare and housing while you're there; in exchange, you raise some money for a good cause. It's a great way to meet other athletes of every level, make new friends and take on the challenge of a triathlon in some very good company. The coaches are all top-notch!

There are also Triathlon clubs all over the Metropolitan New York area...check out MetroSports or the USAT for a triathlon club near you.

The combination of ART and Acupuncture can be a very valuable tool while training for your event. Relieve painful runners' knees, IT Band troubles, stiff hips, and rough rotator cuffs with the combo of these two modalities!

For more information on triathlons, ART and Acupuncture, call or email me and I'll get you started on the road to great physical and mental fitness!


Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Are You A Pig???? It's Chinese New Year!!

The Chinese year 4705 begins on Feb. 18, 2007.
This year is the Year of the Pig!!

The Legend of the Animals
The great Buddha beckoned all the animals to meet him for the Chinese New Year. Twelve creatures arrived. For their loyalty, the great Buddha named a year after each noble animal. The Buddha decreed that all humans born in a specific animal's year would possess the many aspects of that animal's personality.

Humans born in pig years have excellent manners, are easy to make friends and hold on to friendships. Pigs are hard workers, and enjoy life's many luxuries. Piggies are loving creatures and are loyal partners.

Famous Fellow Piglets
Miss Piggy (but, of course!), David Letterman, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lucille Ball, Arnold (the Guvernator) Schwarzenegger, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Humphrey Bogart.

You are a Pig if you were born in the following years:
1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
So, after you PIG - OUT from all the celebrations, come in for a healthy tune-up and make this your best year ever.....oink!

Happy New Year to All! Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012

Monday, January 29, 2007

Get Rid of that Neck, Shoulder, Back and Hip Pain with Active Release Technique (ART)

Get Rid of that Neck, Shoulder, Back and Hip Pain with Active Release Technique (ART).

ART is a soft tissue movement/massage technique that can help treat overuse problems of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves.

Overused muscles can cause micro tears of the soft tissue and the buildup of scar tissue. As time passes, this scar tissue becomes quite hard and dense. This scar tissue presses down on soft tissue and nerves, restricting movement and occluding the flow of nutritious oxygenated blood to that particular spot and the surrounding tissue. The result? Pain….lots and lots of pain; sometimes coupled by numbness and tingling and weakness of a distal point. For example, an overused trapezoid muscle can lead to the buildup of scar tissue over time (this is for you swimmers, boxers, tennis players and golfers particularly!). Where the pain originally can be acutely felt in the posterior aspect of the shoulder, it will eventually travel down the arm and into the wrist and hand if not treated properly.

What To Expect During an ART Treatment
First and foremost, you will be examined before treatment. The affected area will palpated and evaluated for range of motion, tenderness, tightness, weakness, and turgor. The added benefit of being examined by a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine means that distally related points of the body will also be examined and evaluated (ever notice how a left sided shoulder injury precedes a right sided knee pain after some time?). Based on this examination and evaluation, the dis-eased tissues are treated manually with the use of precise tension and movement of the affected soft tissue.

NOTE: After the soft tissue has been released, the additional modality of Acupuncture can greatly speed up the healing process by releasing even more endorphins bringing great relief of pain.

If your neck hurts because you’ve been leaning over a computer screen all day or your shoulders hurt from swimming and cycling for hours at a spell, or you’ve been experiencing lower back and hip pain…and you just don’t know why---make an appointment for a full evaluation and treatment.

For more information about Traditional Chinese Medicine and ART and how you can become PAIN-FREE, click on the links below.

Kelley Mondesire', MSTOM, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.
177 Prince Street Third Floor, NY, NY 10012